

  • 12 factors (Pivotal article)

    1. Codebase

    2. Dependencies

    3. Config

    4. Backing services

    5. Build, release, run

    6. Processes

    7. Port binding

    8. Concurrency

    9. Disposability

    10. Dev/prod parity

    11. Logs

    12. Admin processes

  • aim42

    aim42 is the systematic approach to improve software systems and architectures

  • C4 model

    The C4 model for visualising software architecture: Context, Containers, Components and Code

  • Extreme programming

    • [Spike](

      A spike is a product-testing method (...) that uses the simplest possible program to explore potential solutions. It is used to determine how much work will be required to solve or work around a software issue. Typically, a 'spike test' involves gathering additional information or testing for easily reproduced edge cases. The term is used in agile software development approaches like Scrum or Extreme Programming.




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